Author: brewpres
Big Brew style of 2013 announced.
Our February Malt forward competition had eight entries and they were all well-crafted brews that were enjoyed by our members. The winners of the competition were:
3rd place: Ken Yost for his Barley Wine.
2nd place: Mark Borowski for his Russian Imperial Stout
1st place: Jared Carlberg for his Eisbock
Special thanks to Nathan, Sean, Roger, Chris, and Bob for entering your beverages. They were all very tasty beers.
Since Jared won the competition, he had the opportunity to choose the big brew of 2013. After some deliberation, he decided that the Winnipeg Brew Bombers will be making a Dunkelweizen at Half Pints Brewing Co.
As soon as we have the costs broken down, we will let you know how much 23 liters of wort will cost each member. Payment will be accepted at our March 5th meeting. Unfortunately, we will only be able to fill about 43 carboys so it will be on a first pay, first served basis.
Change of Venue for February meeting
Hello Members,
We have changed our meeting space for the February meeting to Fort Garry Brewery.
Tuesday Feb. 5th, 2012
Fort Garry Brewery
130 Lowson
Winnipeg, MB
We will more than likely hold the meeting in the warehouse to accommodate the club. The Malt Forward competition is still a go so bring your malty beverages to be judged by your peers. Group A, it is your turn to bring food to the meeting. See if you can bring food that would pair well with dark beer.
WBB bottle openers
Our silver bottle openers are here and they are awesome. We are selling them for $5.00 each and they will be available at our meetings. Please help support the Winnipeg Brew Bombers. A special thanks goes out to Nathan Koop for doing all the leg work to get us these openers from LogoTags.
Thank you was gracious enough to donate a whole bunch of their December magazines to the Winnipeg Brew Bombers. In their January edition, they featured Winnipeg as a Premiere beer destination. We appreciate your efforts.
March Big Brew
Half Pints Brewing Company is once again allowing us to brew a batch of wort on their Premises. The date of the Big Brew is March 17th starting at about 9 AM (exact time to be confirmed later).
You will be allowed to fill up one 23 liter carboy or bucket (Cost of wort TBD)
You must be a paid member in good standing.
You will be responsible for adding the yeast to your fermentor at home. You have free reign to use any yeast you want.
Due to a couple hiccups last year, we will check, clean, and sanitize your fermentors on site to make sure they will not pass on any bacteria to other carboys.
This year, we will give you the opportunity to vote for what beer style you want to brew.
Update: January 11, 2013 – Since we do not have 51 members of the Winnipeg Brew Bombers, it looks like someone(s)took into their hands to skew the results. As the president, I am making an executive decision: “The Irish Red and the Wheat Beer are tied at 16 votes each and the winner of the Malt Forward competition in February will choose the beer style to be brewed.”
New Beer Reviews
Jared has reviewed two winter beers: Click Okanagan Spring Mild Winter Ale and Rickard’s Oakhouse Winter Lager for the reviews.
Change in Venue for December Meeting
Instead of our Off-Flavour lecture for our December 4th meeting, we are going to have a tour of the Fort Garry Brewery.
130 Lowson Crescent
Winnipeg, MB
Tuesday, December 4th
7:30 PM
The food will be graciously supplied by the brewery (so no need for Group C to bring food this month), but you are welcome to bring your own crafted brew for sampling.
Club Brew Hop Miscalculation
This is just in case you have spam filters on your email and you are not getting my messages:
We gave everyone 45 grams of Perle hops for the bittering addition. If you add those in at the 60 minute mark, you will get an IBU in the mid 40s which is too high for a Schwarzbier. This is up to you how you want to handle this: you can just add in 34 grams at 60 minutes and have 11 grams left over or you can play with the timing of the additions to get the desired IBU’s without adding hop flavour.
Jared had a few things he wanted to add:
1. Mash schedule: traditional German multistep mash vs. single step (we talked about this at the meeting)
2. 90 minute boil, hop additions to 25-30 IBUs
3. Wort aeration: achieve 10-12ppm using agitation or pure O2
4. Pitching rates: chill to 44 degrees F then pitch 1.5 million cells per ml of wort per degree Plato. Yeast temperature at pitching should be within 10 degrees F of wort temperature. Two packs of W-34/70 rehydrated as per manufacturer product sheet or large/step-up starter chilled and decanted. We don’t want people attempting to dump a 5L starter into a 23L batch.
5. Fermentation: ferment to 6-8 points above expected FG (1.020 is a good rule of thumb) then warm to above 60 degrees F for diacetyl rest. Leave beer on yeast until SG is consistent for three consecutive days. A week at room temperature after fermentation has slowed will ensure completion.
6. Rack beer to secondary for lagering; 7 weeks at 32 degrees F.
7. Force carbonate to around 2.1-2.4 atmospheres or bottle condition. Use ½ pack neutral ale yeast rehydrated at bottling and carbonate at 65-70 degrees for three weeks. Alternatively, beer may be cleared after primary fermentation, then bottled, then lagered.