Month: June 2020

End of a Season

Hey Everyone! The final club meeting of the year is done. This year was a weird one but I think we made the best of a bad situation. We still wait to see how things play out for the next season as COVID-19 progresses, but we still have high hopes.

I’d like to welcome Steph B as the new club Secretary as Dan M steps down. Dan has done a fantastic job but has limited time. He’ll still be a member of the club, so no worries there.

We’re also excited to announce that Mandi S is joining the executive team. Mandi (and Jeff) run the ProAm side of the club. Over time the two sections have drifted apart. This move will help merge them back together. Together we’re excited for what the future years of the club holds!

For the Rye IPA photo contest, the winners are:

  • 3rd place: Drinks By The Fire – Scott Priebe
  • 2nd Place: Hops from start to finish – Dan Molinski
  • 1st Place: Freshly poured Rye IPA – Kurtis Edginton

Check out all the photos that were submitted

I will be connecting with the contest winners directly to arrange the delivery of their prizes.

Thank you everyone for helping to make the best of the remaining club year. I know it has helped me during the lock down to continue to enjoy our community in an online way.


Windup / Virtual Brew Day – June 6th, 2020

Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder that this Saturday (June 6th) is our final Windup meeting and Virtual Brew Day. We’ll be starting at 11 am.

After we get the brew underway (not that you have to be brewing anything, feel free to crack a beer and hangout!) we’ll get into the formal part of the meeting and discuss the typical wind up talking items. Sadly we can’t host everyone for a BBQ but are not calling it cancelled, for now, we’re calling it postponed. Perhaps we’ll do it early in the next season. We’ll see how things play out over the summer.

We’ll also be announcing the winner for the Rye IPA photo contest.

Hope to see everyone there!
