Author: Secretary

Election Results, Big Brew, CMBTC competition

Thank you to those who took the time to vote in the recent election. 47% voter turn out is not great, but it’s what we got.

Daniel Molinski won the presidency. Over the summer, I will be helping with the transition and wrapping up some projects I started, and he will take over officially in Sept (possibly sooner).
Tyler Shipman won the VP position, and Paul Mailhot held on to the uncontested role of Treasurer.

The position of Secretary is still open. If you are interested, please send an email the club executive and we will have a run off vote to fill the spot.

Big Brew

The Big Brew at Nonsuch will happen on Sunday July 28th.
It will be an early day (7am-1:30pm). There will be someone working the taproom, able to serve beer,  but the kitchen will be closed, so we could do a potluck style lunch, and people are free to order delivery as well. There will be more communication on that soon.

The Big Brew beer will be available at The Common in September, as well as at Nonsuch for a release party.
Now that we have a date set, we need to know how many people will be committing to coming, and we need to collect fees for the event. The following link will be a sign-up for people committing to attending.

Big Brew Sign Up < Please sign up again even if you’ve filled in previous forms for the big brew.
Note that this is a paid-members-only event. Free-tier members are not eligible to participate

CMBTC Brew Competition

I’m excited to announce that CMBTC has offered to run a competition for the Club. They will be donating some malt to be used in brews done over the summer, with a submission deadline of September 14th. They will be judging and announcing the winners at the October meeting (which, if all goes as planned, will be at CMBTC).

The CMBTC malt will be available at Grain To Glass. When each person who commits to brewing for the competition gets ingredients for their brew, they will be given some base malt, but there will be no other rules beyond using the malt as a main component (>50%) of the recipe. Style is up to you – smaller batches may be necessary for higher gravity beers. Specialty malt, hops, and yeast will be up to you.

We will need you to sign up for this so that the amount of malt provided to each individual can be determined. If only a handful commit, each get a lot, but if there are many entrants, the amount of malt will be less.

Prizes will include a chance to brew a big batch at CMBTC and have your beer served at their December Open House. Also possibly free malt for a year.

We will need each person submitting a beer to include the style and any relevant notes regarding ingredients and adjuncts for the judges.

Oxus will be the drop off point, with a deadline of September 14th. We will keep the beer in the cooler to maintain freshness.


May meeting will be at Sookram’s

The next club meeting will be at Sookram’s on May 7th.

We’re still working out what we might do for a topic/theme/presentation, but it’s possible there may not even be one, in which case we can just get together, chat about homebrewing, and socialize.  If you have something you’d like to share with the club at the next meeting, please reach out to the club exec!

Also, as a reminder, we’ve resumed the meeting snack potlock, so check your email to see if your name is on the food group list.

Pro/Am, Creative Competition, January Meeting, and other Updates

Hey brewers!

We have some big updates, most of which were shared at the last meeting.  There’s a lot of information here, so please read everything!

Pro/Am Awards night was a great success.  Thanks to those who showed up to support the event, and the competition.  We live streamed the awards for the first time ever, so if you’re interested you can watch that here.  If you placed in any of the categories, we’re still waiting on a few items to be delivered before we can divvy up and ship out prizes. There will be a central pickup point for local winners – stand by for a separate update email on that.

Also regarding the Pro/Am, planning for 2024 is already under way with Dave Cole leading as Competition Director, and Steph Barten as Competition Coordinator.  If you’re interested in pitching in with planning or executing the competition in any way, or if you have any questions about the Pro/Am, please reach out to them directly.

The Club Kit style for this season has been chosen.  We’ll be making a Dark Mild.  We’re working on a recipe now and may be brewing a test batch, but if you’ve got a recipe you think is good, or if you have any ideas or suggestions, please share!

The final details of the Club Creative Competition, aka “Supermarket Sweep” have been decided and posted here.

We’ve decided to bring back the snack potluck to club meetings! Starting with the January meeting. The list of active club members has been sorted alphabetically by last name and split into three groups. Check your email to see if you’re in the first group. If you’re on the list and you’re coming to the meeting on January 9th, please do your part and bring a snack to share with everyone. It can be anything from cookies, crackers, and chips to vegetables, fruit, and meats.

January’s meeting, unlike other meetings, is the second Tuesday of the month. It will be an Off-Flavours seminar! This is historically one of our more popular meetings so we’re scoping out a meeting location that can suit more attendees. Keep an eye on the Club Calendar for info. We’ll also send a reminder leading up to the meeting.

Finally, we’ve set up a new Member Feedback page on the website accessible to active registered members, which allows you to submit confidential, anonymous messages to the club executives. We recognize that many members have thoughts and ideas about the club but don’t always feel comfortable sharing directly with the club executives, so we wanted to provide this as an alternate channel of communication. Your input is important to us and we want to hear what you have to say so that we can make sure the club is heading in the right direction.

November Meeting & Reminders

Hello Brewers!

We have the most excellent news for our next meeting on November 7th at Oxus.  Because we have a permit for the Pro/Am judging, and the permit dates overlap with the meeting, we’re going to leverage this opportunity to allow sampling each other’s homebrew at the meeting!

  • Everyone who plans to attend the meeting has to sign up in advance, and be sure to arrive early enough to start by 7pm sharp.
  • While everyone is welcome to attend for sampling, we’ve decided to limit only paid members being able to bring their beer for evaluation.
  • Due to limited time, we expect to be able to evaluate at most 16 brews.
  • To be fair, there’s a limit of one brew per person, sign up in advance
  • Try to bring up to 12 bottles or two growlers to ensure enough beer is available for everyone in case we have a full house
  • Everyone attending must review the code of conduct.

This is only possible because Marc had the foresight to align the Pro/Am with the regular club meeting schedule, so give him a high-five next time you see him!

REMINDER: the Pro/Am Drop-off and Mail-in window was extended to November 2nd, so get your entries in!!!

REMINDER: if you’re a paid “club kit” member and haven’t filled in the style survey yet, please do so before the next meeting.


Secretary, Dan Molinski

Pro/Am, Field Trip Bus, and Club Kit Styles

Hello Winnipeg Brew Bombers!

The Pro/Am Brew Challenge needs judges and other volunteers.  If you’re willing and able to help out in any way from November 5 to 9 at Oxus, go to the competition page on the new Beer Award Platform, and click on “I want to volunteer”.  The form will walk you through all the options including roles and schedules.  Note, you will need to register an account on BAP in order to submit the form. 
You do not have to be certified in order to judge, but preference will be given to those who are.
Also a quick reminder, we are still looking for people to step up and fill in as the Competition Executive(s) to replace Mandy and Jeff. If you have experience co-0rdinating events and/or soliciting sponsorships, please let us know!

The field trip to Scythe Malting is set for October 28th, but we need to know if there’s enough interest to warrant getting a bus.  If you plan on participating in the field Trip, please fill in the Field Trip Bus survey on the members content page.  

The selection of the beer style for this year’s club kit will be done in multiple rounds through a process of elimination.  If you’re a fully paid member please fill in the Club Kit Beer survey on the members content page with your ranking of the style options proposed at the last club meeting.  The survey results will be shared at the November meeting.


Club Brew Photo Contest & 2020 Virtual Windup

It should be clear by now that the usual club style competition isn’t going to happen since we can’t physically meet to evaluate everyone’s Rye IPA.  However, we didn’t want to lose out on the fun of the whole experience, so after some discussion the cub executives have decided to move forward with a Club Brew Photo Contest instead!  

Good luck to those of you who choose to participate!

To wrap up the 2019-2020 Season we’ll be doing a virtual club windup on Saturday June 6th.  It’ll be much like the virtual brew days we’ve done in the past month, but this time it’ll have a more formal agenda so that we can make some club announcements, explain a few things, do executive elections, and announce the photo contest winners!

So, we hope you will all join us even if you won’t be brewing (you could grill up your own steaks & burgers, ha ha).  Meeting link and details will be provided closer to the date.

Stay safe!