Month: October 2021

November 2nd Meeting

Hey Everyone,

November 2nd will be our next meeting (this Tuesday). This will be our first in person meeting. However there will be a few caveats. We will be limiting the in person event to 30 attendees.

To attend you must be a paid member and RSVP ahead of time on our website (more on that below). When you arrive you will need to present ID and your Vaccination QR Code. You can only RSVP for yourself. Each person attending will need to RSVP from their own account.

Monday (tomorrow) at 6pm the club membership will be going live. You can sign up for your membership online. Once you pay for your membership you will then have access to the RSVP page to sign up for the in person meeting.
We will have a laptop on site and stream the meeting via google meet so that people can still join in remotely.


Virtual Meeting Oct. 5th 2021

Hey Everyone,

October’s meeting will be a virtual meeting. We’re still getting our ducks in a row so that we can feel comfortable holding an in-person meeting. I’ll elaborate more at the meeting.

To kick the season off, Steph will be giving her presentation about mead that she did for the CHA Summit called: “The Bee is Back: The Rise and Return of Mead”.

For this meeting, we’re following the CHA’s (Canadian Homebrewer’s Association) lead and trying out a new style of online gathering software. This one is called Topia. You will have a “character” that you can move around a virtual room. As you approach another character their audio and video will fade in, and out as you move away. This will allow groups of people to have multiple conversations without having to talk over everyone. It was a neat concept that worked very well. No special software is required. Just a browser.

Steph will send out a link to the meeting just before the meeting.
