Month: April 2022

Tonight’s Meeting @ Oxus

If you didn’t see the web site post or the facebook post, the in person meeting RSVP form is live. You can sign up by logging into your account on the website and going to Member Area -> Member Events (same as before).

To attend you must be RSVP’d on that form.

Tonight’s meeting at Oxus (at 7pm) will primarily be a social event, so be sure to bring your home brew!


Tomorrow’s Meeting and Email Issues

Hey Everyone,

For our mailing list, we’ve hit a snag with the new provider. They only allow 50 emails per hour to be sent The extra emails get deleted and not sent. So that renders our mailing list useless as most people don’t get them.

So I’ve setup a google groups account and migrated the mailing list there… however, there’s a limit to how many new addresses you can add per day… ugh…

So tomorrow I should hopefully have the last of the members added and can start emailing everyone again.

In the meantime I’ve opened the registration for members once they log in.


New Web Hosting and Email Server

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick note to let everyone know that we’ve officially migrated to a new web hosting provider. I think I’ve got all the bugs worked out now and everything should be fully functional. But just in case there are issues, RDWHAHB and let me know via email.

I’m also excited to be using a new mail server. Hopefully this one doesn’t routinely get blacklisted and the emails actually land in most people’s inbox now!

Thanks for your patience.
