December’s meeting – And some personal thoughts

Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder that December’s meeting has been moved to next week (Tuesday December 8th @ 7pm). Originally we had moved the date to give our members a bit more time to get their creative comp brew completed. However, with the lock-down situation we all thought it was best to just move it into January instead. This will also give anyone who didn’t have time to get their brew done a chance to get their brew in after-all.

Since we’ve moved the creative comp & discussion to January’s meeting, we’ve moved January’s guest speaker to December’s meeting.

I’m excited to announce that Andrew Sookram, a Winnipeg Brew Bomber turned Pro, will be giving a presentation to the club! He will be talking about brewing sours as well as talking about his journey through the creation and evolution of his widely successful Cosmos series! Then a bit of a Q&A afterwards. You will not want to miss this meeting.

On a more personal note, I was reflecting on how 2020 affected the club. This year has certainly been a hard one all around and in almost every facet of life for so many people and businesses, especially front-line workers. As it relates to the club, we had to make some really tough calls and some really big plans had to be postponed/cancelled. This was supposed to be a big year for the club, especially since it’s our 20th year. But we knew we had a role to play in keeping people safe so that the work of the front-line wasn’t for nothing.

Looking at the positives though, despite all that, we got creative and we pivoted the best we could. We discovered some new ways to connect. The virtual meetings have had great feedback. The virtual brews allowed many members a window to see how others brew. I’ve had many comments that the virtual meetings facilitated conversations between people that don’t normally talk to each other. We’ve had some great guest speakers, Brad Smith who did 2 presentations, and Maker’s Malt who gave a malt presentation and a virtual tour of their facilities. As well as some “virtual beers” hangouts (after the club meetings or virtual brews) that went to the wee hours of the morning. And we aren’t done yet, there’s more stuff is in the works.

So, even though it isn’t easy, I must say that I truly felt supported by our community this whole time. I consider myself lucky to be President of a club that represents such an amazing community of people.

Thinking about the COVID situation I hold onto the phrase “This too shall pass”. Because when this finally does, and it will, we will work hard on resuming those “big plans”. I assure you, it’ll be worth the wait.

So, thank you to all our awesome members for your support. Thanks for showing the club love, and thanks for showing our local breweries love. Your support is appreciated by all.

Sean Ali.

End of a Season

Hey Everyone! The final club meeting of the year is done. This year was a weird one but I think we made the best of a bad situation. We still wait to see how things play out for the next season as COVID-19 progresses, but we still have high hopes.

I’d like to welcome Steph B as the new club Secretary as Dan M steps down. Dan has done a fantastic job but has limited time. He’ll still be a member of the club, so no worries there.

We’re also excited to announce that Mandi S is joining the executive team. Mandi (and Jeff) run the ProAm side of the club. Over time the two sections have drifted apart. This move will help merge them back together. Together we’re excited for what the future years of the club holds!

For the Rye IPA photo contest, the winners are:

  • 3rd place: Drinks By The Fire – Scott Priebe
  • 2nd Place: Hops from start to finish – Dan Molinski
  • 1st Place: Freshly poured Rye IPA – Kurtis Edginton

Check out all the photos that were submitted

I will be connecting with the contest winners directly to arrange the delivery of their prizes.

Thank you everyone for helping to make the best of the remaining club year. I know it has helped me during the lock down to continue to enjoy our community in an online way.


Windup / Virtual Brew Day – June 6th, 2020

Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder that this Saturday (June 6th) is our final Windup meeting and Virtual Brew Day. We’ll be starting at 11 am.

After we get the brew underway (not that you have to be brewing anything, feel free to crack a beer and hangout!) we’ll get into the formal part of the meeting and discuss the typical wind up talking items. Sadly we can’t host everyone for a BBQ but are not calling it cancelled, for now, we’re calling it postponed. Perhaps we’ll do it early in the next season. We’ll see how things play out over the summer.

We’ll also be announcing the winner for the Rye IPA photo contest.

Hope to see everyone there!


Virtual Club Meeting – Guest Speaker: Maker’s Malt

Hey Everyone!

I hope everyone is keeping well and keeping busy.

I’ve been in touch with Maker’s Malt in Saskatchewan and they’ve agreed to speak at one of our virtual events. In case you didn’t know, Maker’s Malt is a small maltster out of Saskatchewan that focuses on smaller craft breweries. They supply mostly Saskatchewan breweries but are starting to be used more in Manitoba, Barn Hammer and Brazen Hall are two Manitoba examples.

In the presentation they’ll be talking about their Malt (obviously), the growing of the barley, and their process of malting and then a Q&A period. So it’ll be a virtual field trip. 🙂

The presentation will be next Saturday (May 23rd at 1pm CDT).

I hope to see everyone there!


Club Brew Photo Contest & 2020 Virtual Windup

It should be clear by now that the usual club style competition isn’t going to happen since we can’t physically meet to evaluate everyone’s Rye IPA.  However, we didn’t want to lose out on the fun of the whole experience, so after some discussion the cub executives have decided to move forward with a Club Brew Photo Contest instead!  

Good luck to those of you who choose to participate!

To wrap up the 2019-2020 Season we’ll be doing a virtual club windup on Saturday June 6th.  It’ll be much like the virtual brew days we’ve done in the past month, but this time it’ll have a more formal agenda so that we can make some club announcements, explain a few things, do executive elections, and announce the photo contest winners!

So, we hope you will all join us even if you won’t be brewing (you could grill up your own steaks & burgers, ha ha).  Meeting link and details will be provided closer to the date.

Stay safe!

Virtual Club Meeting: Brad Smith Part 2 – BeerSmith

Hey Everyone!

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Saturday May 2nd @ 1pm CDT) We have our second presentation from Brad Smith. The topic of this presentation will be about using BeerSmith! This is a presentation you won’t want to miss.

The link to the meeting is:

Please try to show up 5 – 10 mins early just in case you have any issues connecting in.
