Category: Uncategorized

October Meeting

EDIT: THERE WILL BE AN RSVP REQUIRED. If we have space, the Free Members can come along – just shoot me a message.

Our first meeting of the 2022-23 season is coming up fast.

7pm October 4th at Oxus Brewing on Sanford.

No major lessons or presentations planned, I’d like to discuss some ideas and plans for the club.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Voting for the new President is now open!

Hey Everyone,

The vote for the new club president is now open! As mentioned earlier I will hold the vote open until 6pm tomorrow. You will need to log into a google account to vote. This is needed so that I can limit the entry to one per person. If you don’t have a google account, it’s easy to sign up for one.

Here’s the link to the vote:


Club kits are ready for pickup!

Hey Everyone,

This afternoon we finished assembling the club kits. Thanks to Jacob at Grape and Grain who got a head start on the process for us, as well as Kevin, Chuck, Sean R and Paul.

The kits are ready for pick up now at Grape and Grain. Please be sure to pick them up ASAP. The deadline to pick up your club kit is February 8th, space is limited at their store so the quicker we can get these kits into our members hands the better. 🙂

Reminder: The club competition will be held at our club meeting on April 2nd. Be sure to give yourselves enough time to brew!

For those that are interested, here is the recipe (both all grain and extract): For users of BeerSmith, I’ve made the recipe public. You should be able to find the recipe on their web site or in Beer Smith itself (v3 may be required) under “cloud search” and use the term “winnipeg brew bombers” and you’ll see both versions of the recipe.

