February Meeting

Winnipeg Brew Bombers President, Sean Ali, will be doing a talk on hops quality and bringing some examples of good and bad hops. The meeting will take place tomorrow at 7pm at Torque. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the sensory training had to be rescheduled to May. This has been updated in the Calendar of Events page.

On another note, if you’re a paid member and you haven’t been receiving emails (and you’ve checked your junk/spam folder), please contact us to let us know.

Do you have brewing pics?

To keep our Instagram account active and interesting, we’re looking to collect some great photos of our members brew days, beer, equipment, etc!
If you’d like a chance to show off, email your pictures to secretary@winnipegbrewbombers.ca for a chance to be highlighted in future posts. Be sure to include your your Instagram username to receive proper credit.

Trivia Results Have Been Posted (and other updates)

Hi Folks! At the request of some members, the team scores from Beer Trivia at the last meeting have been posted under the Members Page. Check it out here.

The February meeting is fast approaching, and it will be the Sensory Training session. We’re still getting organized and trying to finalize the location, so keep an eye here on the website, on our social media channels, and in your email for updates in the next couple of weeks.

The club kits have been assembled and they’re now ready for pickup at Grape and Grain.
Just a friendly reminder that the club kits are for paid members who submitted their dues before the December 15th deadline. Unless special arrangements / discussions were made with us. Again, expect more on this soon, including the recipe being added to the website.

December Meeting & Other News

December Meeting
The next meeting will be this Tuesday December 3rd at 7pm at Torque Brewing.  Remember to bring your off-the-wall beers as it’s the Club Creative Competition!
We hope you’re all looking forward to tasting all of the interesting brews. 

New “Home”
We’re happy to announce that Torque Brewing is now the official “Home Brewery” for the Winnipeg Brew Bombers!  This change comes as a result of the exceptional growth of the club over the past several years.  This growth brings with it new challenges, not the least of which is finding a space that can accommodate us on a regular basis.  This doesn’t mean we are saying goodbye to Half Pints – they will continue to host the season opener and windup BBQ every year.  This also doesn’t mean that every meeting will be at Torque – we are always working to include variety by holding meetings at new/interesting locations around Winnipeg.

Website Refresh
As you can see, the website has undergone a minor refresh.  All the same articles and posts are still here, and you may see some additional changes in the coming weeks.

November Meeting

Hi everyone! Our next meeting will be at Little Brown Jug (336 William Avenue), November 5th, at 7pm.

Jeremy Grisim, Head Brewer at LBJ, will be doing a talk about their quality control processes, as well as doing a demonstration of yeast counting!

Please note that we cannot open our homebrew while their doors are open to the public. After the public doors are closed at 9pm we are good to open our homebrew. So if you’re willing to hang around, you can sample at that time.

October Meeting, and Club Kit Style Survey Reminder

The October meeting will be taking place October 1st, 7pm, at Torque Brewing (830 King Edward Street). There will be a presentation from Dan Molinski showing us his “evolution” as a home brewer, including the various brewing equipment he’s used.

We’ll also be announcing the chosen style for this year’s club kit, based on the results of the survey we sent out to the member email list. If you haven’t filled in the survey yet, make sure you do it soon! If you’re not on the email list, contact us to get you added.

See you all next week!